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No retrospective cancellation of GST registration in case of death of deceased
The Delhi High Court ruled that a GST registration cannot be revoked retrospectively after the death of deceased. It can only be cancelled starting from the date of default made by the deceased proprietor.
Modified GST Registration process to curb fake registrations
The government is changing the way businesses register for Goods and Services Tax (GST) to stop people from creating fake registrations. The modified process has been made effective from 6th September 2024 in the States of Bihar, Delhi, Karnataka and Punjab.
Options in Invoice Management System (IMS) under GST
GST to introduce new facility of IMS(Invoice Management System) from 1st October 2024. This facility will allow the taxpayers to match their inward supply invoices reflecting in IMS dashboard with their records before filing their Form GSTR 3B.
GST advisory on reporting of inter state supplies to un-registered dealers
From September 2024, the taxpayers shall report all inter state supply invoices to unregistered dealers exceeding Rs. 1 Lakh in their GSTR 1 and GSTR 5.