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Expired E-way Bills - No Penalty Without Intent to Evade Taxes

The Calcutta High Court has clarified that penalties cannot be imposed for expired E-way bills if there is no intent to evade taxes. This ruling has significant implications for taxpayers and tax authorities alike.

In the case of M/s Maa Amba Builders vs Assistant Commissioner of Revenue, the court observed that the only default on the part of the taxpayer was the failure to extend the validity of the E-way bill. However, there was no evidence to suggest that the taxpayer had an intention to evade taxes. The court noted that the adjudicating officer and the appellate authority could not find any evidence regarding the intent and evidence of tax evasion.

  • The court emphasized that the absence of intent to evade taxes is a crucial factor in determining whether a penalty can be imposed.
  • The taxpayer's failure to extend the validity of the E-way bill was an inadvertent mistake, and not indicative of tax evasion.
  • The court highlighted the importance of adjudicating authorities considering the merits of each case and not imposing penalties arbitrarily.
  • The ruling sets aside the orders imposing penalties, noting the lack of evidence supporting tax evasion and the promptness of the taxpayer in addressing the E-way bill issue.
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The court noted that there was no material record available to presume that the taxpayer had an intention to evade taxes. The court further highlighted that the taxpayer had taken steps to rectify the situation within 24 hours of the E-way bill's expiry, which clarifies its intention.

This judgment sets a precedent for taxpayers who may have inadvertently expired E-way bills. It suggests that the tax authorities cannot impose penalties without sufficient evidence of intent to evade taxes.

Hence, if an E-way bill has expired, take immediate action to rectify the situation, such as generating a new E-way bill or correcting any errors. Keep records of the steps taken to rectify the situation, as this may be useful in case of any future disputes or audits. Tax authorities may take note of this judgment and ensure that they have sufficient evidence of intent to evade taxes before imposing penalties on taxpayers who have expired E-way bills.

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